Vanilla 2.3 - avatars users are not to horizontal position

Hi R.J

Thank you for a cool plugin. I use Vanilla 2.3 Theme "Gopi" There is one question - how to align horizontally avatar user? I tried to find a solution with the debugger. But, somehow it shows a different style of plugin: "AvatarFirstLetter" :o

I tried a variety of theme but the effect is the same.


  • R_JR_J Admin

    Thanks for the feedback! I used a "problematic" file name for the plugins css file. So the fix was quite easy. I've uploaded an updated version

  • The addon could not be enabled because it generated a fatal error:

    Discussants is missing the following requirement(s): Vanilla >= 2.3.
    I am using the latest version

  • R_JR_J Admin

    @edy123 thanks for the hint! I always make that error, sorry. Fixed version is uploaded

  • @R_J написал:
    Thanks for the feedback! I used a "problematic" file name for the plugins css file. So the fix was quite easy. I've uploaded an updated version

    Thank you for updating plugin ;)

    After updating the plugin I noticed that in the dashboard was immediately two identical folders:

    I looked again the folder "plugins" in the file manager and noticed that there is one and the same plugin but in different folders: Discussants and Discussants-Master. Nothing worked.
    Disabling and deleting all and re-installed the plugin "Discussants" now it works.

  • R_JR_J Admin

    A folder SomeName-Master is a hint that you have downloaded something from GitHub.

    As far as I know, it is impossible to upload a folder with such a name here into the addons section.

  • @R_J

    Yes of course I downloaded a folder from GitHub. That it works, sorry =)

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