Should users delete their notifications?
Wondering if users should be deleting their notifications or if it really has much of an effect on the site? I don't see an option to set the number of notifications that a user can have. Or does it auto-prune their notifications after a certain date or number of notifications? I don't see a way for users to mass delete their notifications either so if they should be removing them then that's a tall task to ask users to do. They will simply just not comply.
From a users point ofview, there is no need to "clean up" the notifications. If a user thinks he gets to much, he can change the notification settings.
Notifications are entries in the Activity table. That table can grow quite long and it has been discussed here before what you can do about that. There is already a plugin which deals with cleaning up the Activity table.
Here are some of the more interesting comments:
Thanks R_J I will look into that.
Simple mysql query should take care of old notifications pruning but I agree with op, there should be an option for users to be able to delete their old pm.
There is a plugin called ActivityPurge which deletes activity posts.
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