Xenforo Features I Can't Find in Vanilla

Hi. I've been administering a Xenforo board for about two years now, and have just started working with another board, this one on Vanilla. A few "cross-over" questions, if you please:

  1. I can't find a way to make a post sticky - I usually create a READ ME FIRST type post in each forum section and make it sticky so that everyone always sees it and, I hope, reads it. Is there a way to do that in Vanilla.

  2. I see that I can "close" a thread and prevent further replies, another thing I want to do to me READ ME file.

  3. I cannot find a way to delete a "comment" that was posted in reply - how do I do that? I am an administrator of the board but I did not set it up myself. My README file has two comments, one by a user and another one from me - I want to delete them both.

Thanks in advance for your replies, and I'll try to post any further questions that come up in the next day or two in this thread - today is the first day we have users other than our two admins.



  • R_JR_J Admin

    A "sticky thread" is an "announced discussion" in Vanilla. In the upper right corner of a discussion is a cog wheel which presents some additional options in a context menu. One of the is "announce" which is what you are looking for.

    If you want to delete a comment you also have to use that cog wheel menu. You might have to hover your mouse over the meta info section of a discussion/comment to see the menu

  • @R_J said:
    A "sticky thread" is an "announced discussion" in Vanilla. In the upper right corner of a discussion is a cog wheel which presents some additional options in a context menu. One of the is "announce" which is what you are looking for.

    Got it - thanks.

    If you want to delete a comment you also have to use that cog wheel menu. You might have to hover your mouse over the meta info section of a discussion/comment to see the menu

    This is not working for me - perhaps I don't have sufficient rights. I can "edit" my own post, which is the third in the thread, but I can't make the gear appear for the second post which is by someone else.


  • R_JR_J Admin

    Your user role must have the "Default Category Permissions -> Comment -> Delete" permission. You have to check that in the example.com/dashboard/role section.

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