HTTP ERROR 500 after Apache upgrade

I'm running Vanilla 2.3.1 and got a security notice via WHM that I needed to update Apache to remove Frontpage. Unfortunately, now the links to individual discussions no longer work. I get an HTTP ERROR 500 for each one.
I tried a fresh install of Vanilla 2.3.1 with a new database, but got the same exact problem - ie., clicking the default "Congrats, you've got a sweet new forum" discussion link leads to an HTTP ERROR 500.
I did the update using EasyApache 3 (v3.34.13). I used the Basic Apache 2.2 (1) Profile:
Apache 2.2
- Asis
- AuthnDefault
- Deflate
- Env
- Expires
- Fileprotect
- Headers
- MPM Prefork
- Mod SuPHP 0.7.2
- Proxy
- Slow Restart Patch
- UniqueId
PHP 5.6Bcmath
- Calendar
- CurlSSL
- GD
- Iconv
- Imap
- MailHeaders
- Mbregex
- Mcrypt
- Mysql
- Openssl
- Pear
- Sockets
- TTF (FreeType)
Additional OptModsMod Security 2.9.0
Server Stats, according to cPanel:
cPanel 5.6.31
Apache 5.6.31
PHP 5.6.31
MySQL 5.6.31
Perl 5.10.1
The Private Message links still work fine, by the way.
Any ideas on what could be causing this?
I think this was fixed... Apache and PHP were rebuilt to include mbstrings for PHP 5.6.31. I think this should resolve the errors with the links attempting to call the mbstrings functions. So far, so good.