jsconnect "missing the v parameter"

israelazoisraelazo New
edited August 2017 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8


i'm trying to implement vanilla for the first time with jsconnect. Everything was looking good with the setup untill now. When I hit "Test URL" I get test({"error":"invalid_request","message":"Missing the v parameter."})

I've noticed there's no "v" parameter in the test URL

If I add the parameter manually like this &v=2 I get test({"error":"invalid_request","message":"Missing the sig parameter."})

so, definitely this is not sending the correct set of parameters to my test URL

If I try to sign like this /sso I get the same errors on that page.

This is a separate domain forum. Vanilla version is 2.3.1 and jsconnect 1.5.3 because 1.5.4 didn't install.

Any Help?


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