2.3.1 - Flagging plugin breaks Admin CP

So I recently installed Vanilla 2.3.1, installed a custom theme, and enabled a few plugins. One important plugin I'd like on the forums is Flagging, which for some odd reason, makes it impossible to use the Admin CP, so I disabled it through the config files. While it does break the Admin CP, the forums continue to work just fine.

Is there any quick fixes I can do to allow this plugin to be enabled and be able to use the Admin CP at the same time? If not, this thread will serve as a bug report.


  • Please tell us what "break Admin CP" means in detail: blank page, error message etc.

    A blank page might be a signal for a PHP error. Check server error logs or (not if on production server!) change "show errors" to 1 in /index.php
    The "Something went wrong" page will give you more detailed information when you add $Configuration['Debug'] = TRUE; to the /conf/config.php

    There are some themes which try to replace views and do it all wrong. It's always worth trying if the error persists while using the default theme.

  • Yes it was the something went wrong page, as you can see:

    I'll try what you said and debug the situation, I'll edit the post if I can't handle it myself.

  • So I looked into it and I'm guessing it's something wrong with my database, and I have no idea how I should fix this issue in phpMyAdmin:

    Fatal Error in PHP.trigger_error();

    Expression #1 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'databasenamehere.fl.ForeignID' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by
    The error occurred on or near: C:\wamp64\www\bb\library\database\class.database.php
    408: // If we get here then the pdo statement prepared properly.
    409: break;
    411: } catch (Gdn_UserException $uex) {
    412: trigger_error($uex->getMessage(), E_USER_ERROR);
    413: } catch (Exception $ex) {
    414: list($state, $code, $message) = $PDO->errorInfo();
    416: // If the error code is consistent with a disconnect, attempt to retry
    [C:\wamp64\www\bb\library\database\class.database.php:412] PHP::trigger_error();
    [C:\wamp64\www\bb\library\database\class.sqldriver.php:1663] Gdn_Database->query();
    [C:\wamp64\www\bb\library\database\class.sqldriver.php:614] Gdn_SQLDriver->query();
    [C:\wamp64\www\bb\plugins\Flagging\class.flagging.plugin.php:34] Gdn_SQLDriver->get();
    [C:\wamp64\www\bb\library\core\class.pluginmanager.php:873] FlaggingPlugin->base_getAppSettingsMenuItems_handler();
    [C:\wamp64\www\bb\library\core\class.pluginmanager.php:786] Gdn_PluginManager->callEventHandler();
    [C:\wamp64\www\bb\library\core\class.pluggable.php:133] Gdn_PluginManager->callEventHandlers();
    [C:\wamp64\www\bb\applications\dashboard\modules\class.sidemenumodule.php:268] Gdn_Pluggable->fireEvent();
    [C:\wamp64\www\bb\library\core\class.module.php:240] SideMenuModule->toString();
    [C:\wamp64\www\bb\library\core\class.controller.php:1364] Gdn_Module->render();
    [C:\wamp64\www\bb\applications\dashboard\views\admin.master.php:34] Gdn_Controller->renderAsset();
    [C:\wamp64\www\bb\library\core\class.controller.php:1853] PHP::include();
    [C:\wamp64\www\bb\library\core\class.controller.php:1314] Gdn_Controller->renderMaster();
    [C:\wamp64\www\bb\library\core\class.pluggable.php:199] Gdn_Controller->xRender();
    [C:\wamp64\www\bb\applications\dashboard\controllers\class.settingscontroller.php:1162] Gdn_Pluggable->__call();
    [C:\wamp64\www\bb\applications\dashboard\controllers\class.settingscontroller.php:1162] SettingsController->render();
    [C:\wamp64\www\bb\applications\dashboard\controllers\class.settingscontroller.php:1162] SettingsController->plugins();
    [C:\wamp64\www\bb\library\core\class.dispatcher.php:326] PHP::call_user_func_array();
    [C:\wamp64\www\bb\index.php:44] Gdn_Dispatcher->dispatch();
    Variables in local scope:
    [Sql] 'select DISTINCT(fl.ForeignID) as NumFlaggedItems
    from GDN_Flag fl
    group by ForeignURL'
    [InputParameters] array (
    [Options] array (
    'Type' => 'select',
    'Slave' => NULL,
    'ReturnType' => 'DataSet',
    [ReturnType] 'DataSet'
    [tries] 2
    [try] 0
    [PDO] array (
    [PDOStatement] false
    [state] '42000'
    [code] 1055
    [message] 'Expression #1 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column \'databasenamehere.fl.ForeignID\' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by'
    [uex] array (
    'xdebug_message' => '

    ( ! ) Gdn_UserException: Expression #1 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column \'databasenamehere.fl.ForeignID\' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by in C:\wamp64\www\bb\library\database\class.database.php on line 404
    Call Stack
    10.0024248920{main}( )...\index.php:0
    20.270110016584Gdn_Dispatcher->dispatch( )...\index.php:44
    ( )...\class.dispatcher.php:326
    40.302912402368SettingsController->plugins( )...\class.dispatcher.php:326
    ( )...\class.settingscontroller.php:1162
    60.311412559800Gdn_Pluggable->__call( )...\class.settingscontroller.php:1162
    70.351013518184Gdn_Controller->xRender( )...\class.pluggable.php:199
    80.633914351456Gdn_Controller->renderMaster( )...\class.controller.php:1314
    90.661214423448include( \'C:\wamp64\www\bb\applications\dashboard\views\admin.master.php\' )...\class.controller.php:1853
    100.676714431944Gdn_Controller->renderAsset( )...\admin.master.php:34
    110.677314431896Gdn_Module->render( )...\class.controller.php:1364
    120.677314432320SideMenuModule->toString( )...\class.module.php:240
    130.677314432544Gdn_Pluggable->fireEvent( )...\class.sidemenumodule.php:268
    140.677314432592Gdn_PluginManager->callEventHandlers( )...\class.pluggable.php:133
    150.677414432928Gdn_PluginManager->callEventHandler( )...\class.pluginmanager.php:786
    160.684514499664FlaggingPlugin->base_getAppSettingsMenuItems_handler( )...\class.pluginmanager.php:873
    170.684914501160Gdn_SQLDriver->get( )...\class.flagging.plugin.php:34
    180.685114501648Gdn_SQLDriver->query( )...\class.sqldriver.php:614
    190.685114502336Gdn_Database->query( )...\class.sqldriver.php:1663
  • The technical answer is that you have to disable then "ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY" model of your database: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/sql-mode.html#sqlmode_only_full_group_by

    That could be done by running the query SET sql_mode = ''; but after the database server is restarted, I guess you would face the same error again.

    Additionally you should change that in the mysql.ini. You might have to ask your hosting provider.

  • I did what you said but it didn't work, however what you said was pretty much right. PhpMyAdmin had been setting it by default, and once I figured that out, it works like a charm. Thanks for all of the help!

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