Problem Vainilla 2.3.1 - Something has gone wrong. We've run into a problem and are unable to handl
Sometimes the forum, at some point in the day, gives this error, I suppose it is a hosting problem, where I can see the logs and see exactly the error, to communicate with the hosting to solve it,
Thank you,
If you search for this:
on the forum, (or look in the FAQ thread in tutorials) you will learn how to set Vanilla to give you a more detailed error message.
Of course do the search in the forum, but there are only comments in previous versions of Vanilla, it is not the same version therefore the errors may be different, as far as handling errors I am looking for documentation,
I don't think you understand.
'Something has gone wrong' is a generic message.
There is a setting in Vanilla to change that error page to a detailed error log.
You need to change that setting on your forum.
See here (from the FAQ thread in Tutorials, where I suggested you look...)
You didn't read what I wrote properly.
If you had looked in the FAQ thread in Tutorials, you would have found this:
You would have found any number of similar threads dealing with this if you had searched with the terms:
Thanks you, I've already seen it, I'm looking in the documentation how to create a more detailed log, handling errors,