My texts are not 'aligned justified' where can I get 'align justify' button on Vanilla text Editor?

Please, I noticed that the texts on my posts are not aligned well and I noticed that there is no 'align justify' button on Vanilla text editor. I can only see 'align left', align center' and 'align right' Please, where can I get the 'aligned justify' button on Vanilla? (See attached 'justify icon marked with blue ink on the screenshot of a wordpress text editor)
Or is there way to add that 'align justify' button?
The editor has some options which are deactivated. You can see which options are available here:
There is no "align justify" option. You would have to write some custom CSS which adds
text-align: justify
to the main text so that the buttons modify that.I think that would make sense anyway. Here in this forum all text is aligned left so the left align button wouldn't make sense...
Don't know wich editor you are using. If you are using the Advanced Editor, this options isn't available.
But with the Advanced Editor Config addon you can add left, right and center align.
Don't know if any Vanilla compatible editor features justified text.