Syntax Prettifier does not detect Visual Basic code

Hi all,
I enabled the plugin "Syntax Prettifier" and it works fine so far.
I use markdown as Input format.
If I activate Visual Basic primarily in the settings page, my code is prettified well.
But if I don't specify a language in the settings, then my code is not recognized well and the prettifying looks wrong.
I use the ``` - syntax to embed code in my messages.
Is there any way to point out which language I use in the message?
```vb does not to work.
One more question:
In the settings page you write "We try our best to guess which language you are typing in, but if you have a more obscure language you can force all highlighting to be in that language. (Not recommended)".
How and where is this done?
Addition: Even SQL code is not recognized well. It seems that always a kind of default prettifier is used.
One more question:
After digging in the code it looks like there is no chance to have multiple different syntax highlighting in one message having multiple code blocks (e.g. vb and sql) anyway?