so how do you become a douchebag?

edited September 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
do you just have to piss someone off or what?


  • it's a role that the master admin assigns to users... i bet if you ask nice mark would douche you
  • to become a douchebag, you have to act like one :D
  • for the benefit of a european, what is a doubchebag exactly?
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    edited July 2005
    For the purposes of Vanilla, "douchebag" is pretty much synonymous with "idiot". It's a somewhat common insult over here in North America. I had also written a traditional explanation of the term "douchebag", but I felt gross afterwards, so I removed it. Just google it :)
  • A plastic bag with a nozzle. The plastic bag is filled with a diluted vinegar solution. The nozzle is inserted into the vaginal opening of lady that is feeling 'not so fresh'.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Oh - there you go - Markle Sparkle got it :)
  • edited July 2005
    I've always figured that a douchebag was just the bag part and douche was the liquid solution part. Maybe I over- analized analyzed it, but what would you call the hose/nozzle part? Douchehose doesn't seem to roll off the to speak.
  • edited July 2005

    By they way, with Markle Sparkle's new avatar, I nominate him to be a douchebag. :)

  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    hahaha *makes new role*
  • Is "douchebag" officially one word now?
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
  • Some definitions here ;)

    Urban Dictionary

    Beware, some of them are really gross ;)
  • LOL I was just in the 99 cent store looking for a gimmick to give to a friend. I saw douchebag kits for 99 cents. I got one for her.. She gave me an interesting look when she opened it.

  • at least it was just an interesting look instead of a slap or a curse.
  • an easy way to become a douchebag is to service an indivual as a real douchebag does
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