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1.0.1 issues



  • @Mark : I did exactly what mentioned above but still there is something wrong with the encoding ... Here is a picture:
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    @alnokta: Can you try uploading your original Vanilla 1.0 library/Framework/Framework.Class.MySQL.php file and see if that does it?
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    @Wanderer: Someone whispered to me saying that they thought I was being sarcastic to you in my last comment to you. For the record, I wasn't. You seemed to do everything right and I'm being all stupid and forgetful.
  •  Quote: alnokta  I made that patch hope it can help you out
    Cool dude, thanks a bajillion!
  • It worked .. when I copied the backup file ... Here is a picture:
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Okay, then I know what the problem is. I'm going to fix it and update the zip file.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    @alnokta or draganbabic: I've uploaded a new version of the zip. Can you (or anyone else with the probem) try it out and make sure it works?
  • Working flawlessly .... thanks for that great simple easy forum btw
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Great! I've updated with the updated zip. For anyone else that comes in here with the same problem, get the latest version and you should be good to go.
  • Working like a charm! Thanks a lot.
  • Mark, What was the problem in the previous vanilla 1.0.1 zip package? I downloaded the zip fle last night once I got the notification email from you and installed it on my server. Are there any new changes in the upadated zip 1.0.1 package?
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    There were a couple of changes, but the only one that was consequential was the removal of two lines of code from library/Framework/Framework.Class.MySQL.php. It shouldn't affect installations that are english-character driven.
  • @Wanderer: Welcome back to Vanilla ;-)
  • Thanks Thomas, I never really left, I've been lurking...
  • Mark, this fix works like a charm, I have upgraded and it works flawlessly. Thanks for all the good work and effort you put into this project!
  • I have updated my test installation to 1.0.1. I'm using latin1-spanish, and it works perfectly. I will test extensions and upgrade my real installation soon.

    Thanks to all of you for your support to Vanilla.
  • it wouldn't be a bad idea if the getvanilla link was added to the top of the page with the other links for easy access
  • Vanilla 1.0.1 <—(this is a link) is a product of Lussumo.
    More Information: Documentation, Community Support.
  • oh you mean the bearly visible link that nobody can see ? lol

    I was refering to the links at top of the page in the banner area that seems to make good sense to put it there,
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