Menus / SubMenues and topic threads

Greets Community - first time poster, just testing out Vanilla from PHPbb3 where I was for years. My old forum died and I have to rebuild figured i'd look at a newer easier option than the old'n'busted. I tried some searches but found nothing yet. I use my forums for some threading needs. I was able to set topics (categories) to be permissible by roles or users alone. Is there such an option on Vanilla?
Essentially - I'd like
Sally to have access to
Dinner (category)-
Steak, fries, salad (sub category)
Hamburger, fries, ice cream (sub category)
Pizza and toast (sub category)
But allow John to have access to
Breakfast (Category)
Eggs and bacon(sub category)
Cereal, milk and oj because we like liquids (sub category)
Allow Charlie to access the two above but also
Breakfast - et al
Lunch (category)
meal / side 1
Meal / side 2
Dinner - Et al
I looked at the categories but saw no way to set permissions by categories and no way to set tops either. What am I missing to make this work.
Thanks for reading my hungry stomach talk categories at you.
When you edit a category, look at the bottom. There you will find "[ ] This category has custom permissions."
Your Sally and Charlie users need to be in different groups. There is no way to give permissions by users.
Not 100% sure what you mean by "to set tops", but if you want speak about making categories headings, you should look at the "Display As" option which you can also find in the edit category section
Perfect, I was just about to test my user groups. I think i can work that versus just individual settings. I only use this type of forum for about 5-20 people so that much individualism never seemed demanding.