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Troubles with phpBB migration, tried everything :(

edited August 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi there! I'm running a phpBB forum, and now, I want to convert it to Vanilla. I've got everything prepared for the convertion process, I've got the database, Vanilla, migration tool (the version that works with two different databases), and I've got the Vanilla 1.0.1. The plan was this: 1. Instal Vanilla 2. Use the migration tool to convert the databse 3. Overwrite old Vanilla files with the ones from 1.0.1 instalation. So, I installed Vanilla, I copied the migrator folder into Vanilla's one, and that was it :( Now, the problems... The only thing that was succesfully converted were the discussion topics and the users of the forum. No comments (posts), no categories. I also noticed that all users got Moderator status, but, I'll take care of it later, now I just want to transfer my database to Vanilla. The errors I got are: TRANSFERING THE USERS SELECT user_id,username,user_password,user_email,user_viewemail,user_avatar,user_posts,user_regdate,user_lastvisit FROM phpbb_users ORDER BY user_id ASC INSERT INTO `lum_user` (`phpBBuserid` , `RoleID` , `FirstName` , `LastName` , `Name` , `Password` , `Email` , `UtilizeEmail` , `ShowName` , `Icon` , `CountVisit` , `CountDiscussions` , `CountComments` , `DateFirstVisit` , `DateLastActive` , `LastDiscussionPost` , `LastCommentPost` ) VALUES ( '-1' , '4' , 'phpbb' , 'user' , 'Anonymous' , '' , '' , '0' , '0' , '' , '' , '14' , '1' , '2005-12-03 21:35:01' , '2005-12-03 21:35:01' , '2006-02-06 22:54:28' , '2006-02-10 16:42:19' ) Warning: mysql_fetch_object(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in f:\wamp\www\vanilla_testing\migrator2\users.php on line 46 Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in f:\wamp\www\vanilla_testing\migrator2\users.php on line 49 Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in f:\wamp\www\vanilla_testing\migrator2\users.php on line 52 INSERT INTO `lum_user` (`phpBBuserid` , `RoleID` , `FirstName` , `LastName` , `Name` , `Password` , `Email` , `UtilizeEmail` , `ShowName` , `Icon` , `CountVisit` , `CountDiscussions` , `CountComments` , `DateFirstVisit` , `DateLastActive` , `LastDiscussionPost` , `LastCommentPost` ) VALUES ( '3' , '4' , 'phpbb' , 'user' , 'blackshtef' , '2993f9c6002f8c501c3298536ae9274f' , '' , '0' , '0' , '86029408544bdfa974ebaa.gif' , '' , '' , '464' , '2005-12-03 21:59:17' , '2006-08-21 23:35:45' , '1970-01-01 01:00:00' , '1970-01-01 01:00:00' ) Warning: mysql_fetch_object(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in f:\wamp\www\vanilla_testing\migrator2\users.php on line 46 Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in f:\wamp\www\vanilla_testing\migrator2\users.php on line 49 Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in f:\wamp\www\vanilla_testing\migrator2\users.php on line 52 INSERT INTO `lum_user` (`phpBBuserid` , `RoleID` , `FirstName` , `LastName` , `Name` , `Password` , `Email` , `UtilizeEmail` , `ShowName` , `Icon` , `CountVisit` , `CountDiscussions` , `CountComments` , `DateFirstVisit` , `DateLastActive` , `LastDiscussionPost` , `LastCommentPost` ) VALUES ( '4' , '4' , 'phpbb' , 'user' , 'Brane' , 'ad3678c6dd6752bd74396bf7c2d352ee' , '' , '1' , '0' , '186097716443ec55c88d2fc.jpg' , '' , '' , '304' , '2005-12-04 15:00:25' , '2006-08-21 13:19:02' , '1970-01-01 01:00:00' , '1970-01-01 01:00:00' ) etc.... NB: I got the errors, but users were transfered??? Next, the errors from the categories migration: SELECT forum_id,forum_name,forum_desc,forum_order FROM phpbb_forums ORDER BY forum_id ASC INSERT INTO `lum_category` ( `phpBBforumid` , `Name` , `Description` , `Priority` ) VALUES ( '1' , 'Helpdesk, novosti i obavijesti', 'Prijedlozi, kritike, pomo?, novosti...', '20' ) Warning: mysql_affected_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in f:\wamp\www\vanilla_testing\migrator2\categories.php on line 38 ERROR ROW 0 INSERT INTO `lum_category` ( `phpBBforumid` , `Name` , `Description` , `Priority` ) VALUES ( '2' , 'Pravila ponašanja na forumu', 'Follow the rulz!', '30' ) Warning: mysql_affected_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in f:\wamp\www\vanilla_testing\migrator2\categories.php on line 38 etc... Now, the discussion errors: run: 0 SELECT topic_id,forum_id,topic_title,topic_poster,topic_time,topic_replies,topic_first_post_id,topic_last_post_id FROM phpbb_topics ORDER BY topic_id ASC LIMIT 0,10000 INSERT INTO `lum_discussion` ( `phpBBtopicid` , `AuthUserID` , `FirstCommentID` , `LastUserID` , `Active` , `Closed` , `Sticky` , `Name` , `DateCreated` , `DateLastActive` , `CountComments` , `CategoryID` ) VALUES ( '5' , '4', '8', '4', '1', '0', '0', 'Pravila ponašanja na forumu', '2005-12-04 15:53:57', '2005-12-04 15:53:57', '1', '' ) INSERT INTO `lum_discussion` ( `phpBBtopicid` , `AuthUserID` , `FirstCommentID` , `LastUserID` , `Active` , `Closed` , `Sticky` , `Name` , `DateCreated` , `DateLastActive` , `CountComments` , `CategoryID` ) VALUES ( '6' , '4', '9', '4', '1', '0', '0', 'Razmjena linkova', '2005-12-04 15:56:48', '2005-12-04 15:56:48', '1', '' ) INSERT INTO `lum_discussion` ( `phpBBtopicid` , `AuthUserID` , `FirstCommentID` , `LastUserID` , `Active` , `Closed` , `Sticky` , `Name` , `DateCreated` , `DateLastActive` , `CountComments` , `CategoryID` ) VALUES ( '7' , '4', '10', '3', '1', '0', '0', 'O forumu', '2005-12-04 15:58:20', '2005-12-05 11:41:39', '3', '' ) etc... And finally, the comments migration errors: run: 0 SELECT post_id,topic_id,poster_id,post_time,poster_ip,post_edit_time FROM phpbb_posts ORDER BY post_id ASC LIMIT 0,10000 0, INSERT INTO `lum_comment` ( `phpBBpostid` , `DiscussionID` , `AuthUserID` , `DateCreated` , `EditUserID` , `DateEdited` , `WhisperUserID` , `Body` , `FormatType` , `RemoteIp` ) VALUES ( '8', '1', '4', '2005-12-04 15:53:57' , '4' , '1970-01-01 01:00:00' , '' ,'Samim time što ste registrirani e`lan foruma [b]znae`i da prihva?ate[/b] ova pravila. 1. Zabranjeno je promoviranje svake politie`ke i vjerske ideologije i orijentacije što znae`i sve od uvrijedljivih nickova, potpisa, avatara do samog sadržaja posta, pa makar to bili i najobie`niji vicevi. Ova pravila vrijede do daljnjega, a u slue`aju promjene ?ete biti pravodobno obaviješteni.' , 'BBCode' , '' ) 1, INSERT INTO `lum_comment` ( `phpBBpostid` , `DiscussionID` , `AuthUserID` , `DateCreated` , `EditUserID` , `DateEdited` , `WhisperUserID` , `Body` , `FormatType` , `RemoteIp` ) VALUES ( '9', '2', '4', '2005-12-04 15:56:48' , '4' , '1970-01-01 01:00:00' , '' ,'Ako želite staviti link od vašeg web site-a ovo je pravo mjesto za to. Molim vas da ukratko opišete i sadržaj svog web site-a.' , 'BBCode' , '' ) 2, INSERT INTO `lum_comment` ( `phpBBpostid` , `DiscussionID` , `AuthUserID` , `DateCreated` , `EditUserID` , `DateEdited` , `WhisperUserID` , `Body` , `FormatType` , `RemoteIp` ) VALUES ( '10', '3', '4', '2005-12-04 15:58:20' , '4' , '2006-01-27 11:49:42' , '' ,'Forum je pokrenut da bi omogu?io studentima FOI-a da mogu me?usobno razgovarati i razmijenjivati iskustva o fakultetu. Postoje i news grupe, ali meni osobno se nekako više svi?a pisanje na forumu, pa sam ga iz tog razloga odlue`io postaviti. Napomena: Sudjelovanje na forumu je besplatno i anonimno. Kod registracije samo upišite pravu e-mail adresu jer ?ete dobiti mail u kojem ?e biti link na koji trebate kliknuti da biste potvrdili registraciju. Nadam se da ?e vam ovaj forum biti od pomo?i. Za sad bi to bilo sve što imam re?i o forumu. Brane' , 'BBCode' , '' ) etc... I am very sorry for this long, too long post, but I really don't know what to do anymore. I just want to migrate to Vanilla to be happy :) And any help would be appriciated! Oh, yes, one more thing... Somewhere on this forum I found a link to Vanilla version, but when I installed it, I noticed that the version really was! Is this of some rellevance or not? Well, I have to go study now, exams are comming, so I'll drop here later in the afternoon...thanks in advance ;)


  • I've got very limited pc access from now till tuesday so I dont really have time to look at this. Hopefully someone else can help you out or I'll try and remember to cmoe back here wednesday.
  • ok, it's not THAT urgent ;) I can wait till tuesday, or for someone else to help... cheers ;)
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