Wont let me enable [RESOLVED]

kryan1990kryan1990 New
edited November 2017 in General Banter

It wont let me enable this plug in... Is there one it works insync with?


  • I get this message

    The addon could not be enabled because it generated a fatal error:
    showAllEmojis is missing the following requirement(s): editor >= 1.8.1.

  • It will not be of any use if you are not using the advanced editor. Therefore I've made that other plugin ("editor") a requirement.

    If you are using any other editor, this plugin is most probably useless for you

  • kryan1990kryan1990 New
    edited November 2017

    I only have Advanced editor Version 1.7.7

  • And even with that enabled it wont let me

  • NVM I figured it out
    Its not compatible with ImageUpload by chuck911

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