Thread Rating Extension

outbreakoutbreak New
edited December 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
i've brought this up a couple times before, but now that there are more members i'd like to see what others think about it.

vanilla used to have ratings for threads so that the users could decide what category it fit into. it was a great feature, but didnt really please many people in the long run. my idea would be to implement thread ratings in a similar fashion as an add on to the categories. so a thread would look something like this:

Category: Random
Rating: 50% Hilarious

something along those lines. anyone else interested in something like that?


  • vanilla used to have this?
  • ooooh yeah, haha since mark removed it, I haven't thought about it since. It would be great having it brought back as an extension.
  • a lot of my members have been asking for a thread rating extension and mark did it so nicely in the original version that i wanted to see if it could be a possibility as an extension.
  • yeah didn't vanilla have this like waaaaaaaaaaaay back in the day?
  • indeed
  • this thread is 98% correct
  • that shit was so awesome.
  • Is there anyway this could be re-implemented? I am looking for a way to create a single posted, commented topics, where each one can be rated, and also sorted by rating. Otherwise I would have to use vB which comes with ratings naturally, but don't really need all those advanced functions, bells and whistles, I thought simple and clean interface of vanilla was exactly what I needed, minus ratings.. :( Thanks in advance.
  • Bah >_< I've noticed Vanilla too late to have seen this feature :(
  • it was in the pre-beta, however I'm not entirely sure if it was in a few of the early betas or not, mark, did you pull it before or after?
  • it certainly hasnt been in any source releases.
  • Ok, I could have sworn it was, oh well :)
  • I'm rather convinced that this kind of thread rating system is created because of me :D
  • So we can give your threads low ratings? (I keeeed, i keeeed)
  • This thread is : 50% inane.
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