Post by Email

edited February 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
How difficult would it be to post by email? Maybe even reply to the notification email sent out when a new post arrives?


  • that would be cool - I could always post to the forum by using my blackberry :-)
  • My main thought is, we have a few clients that are just anti-technology. They just figured out email and they want nothing to do with the vanilla setup, no matter how many times we try to set them up with it. They'd rather email their attachments and instructions.
  • This is a great idea for my community as @garvin above. +1.
  • While forums are great, many users are still locked in with using only email. An extension which could email to forum would be really powerful, and very few forums can do this so far (phorum, fudforum for example) I'm aware that digitalgraal has been developing various 'extensions' for lots of different forums to achieve a m2f function. Maybe he could be contacted to write one for Vanilla?
  • This thread touched on that topic, I replied as to what I was working on, but the developer that started the thread never responded. Actually, I believe he hasn't even logged on yet.

    I'll probably continue my development of a discussion list to vanilla extension. If anyone wants to help let me know.
  • edited September 2006
    Hi tjlytle, the author of the thread you refer to is I believe a developer of m2f, which is different from the link I posted. The developer of CMF4 (digitalgraal) used to be with m2f, but forked ages ago, and has developed his own project. I don't know which is superior. I tried m2f with phpbb and it worked quite well. Similarly with CM4F. Though CM4F seems further developed in relation to the potential of integrating with many other forums. From my limited dealings with digitalgraal, I suspect he'd be very interested in Vanilla, and if there's enough interest from members here, he may contribute an extension Otherwise, I would certainly like to help out with your proposed extension, though I'm no coder. Would of course be a willing beta tester
  • Didn't mean to imply that the two were the same - actually didn't know that they were once working together. Perhaps I'll take a look at the code of CM4F...
  • Just bumping this, cause I'd really like it if it got put on a somewhat higher priority.
  • we talked about this here too.
  • Oh, this sounds like I found the right thread.... we have a listserv on yahoo and a message board on runboard, and we'd like an integrated solution whereby all emails to the yahoo listserv are cc'ed and archived on the message board. So one of our members found Vanilla and the integration you describe would be great, either as yahoo_listserv->vanilla_messageboard (keeping yahoo) or as vanilla_listserv -> vanilla_messageboard (if this capability is developed), with the Vanilla deployment hosted on our little ISP ( Is my understanding correct, and is this a hard thing to do? Robert Spector aka Ruby (New Brunswick, NJ)
  • That's what I like in blogger ... if we can have this it would be great ... but what secret address to use ? +one P.S. while we are at this .. is there any extension that digests the discussions(of a day) and send them to a specified mail address?
  • That would also be cool. Anyone familiar enough with how the blog-by-email feature of blogger/wordpress/etc work?
  • bump, please... anyone?
  • this isn't that difficult. i wrote a moblog script that does something similar. i can email blogs from my phone and they go right up to my server. the difficult part for most people is the fact that in order to make it work you have to be able to setup an alias on your mail server that pumps mail to certain email addresses into a script. if people are really interested and can actually do that i would be willing to work on it for you.
  • phynias,

    How would handle posting to different categories? Blogs and yahoo groups only have a single "category", but a forum can have several. I'm just curious. A different email address for each category?
  • edited February 2008
    I bet you could utilize the '+' in email addresses to use categories: sirlancelot.[secret-word]+[category]

    However, after reading up on plus addressing, it appears that not all systems honor this behavior... Maybe for servers without this functionality, the extension would post to a "mobile" category and then users could complain to their host about how featureless of an email service they have ;)
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