My forum crashed [RESOLVED]

kryan1990kryan1990 New
edited November 2017 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

I was on my forum and clicked on a discussion and it took me to the page "something has gone wrong"
I tried removing the plugins that I had issues with (like Karma Bank) but Im still getting that page...
DO I need to remove all my plug ins? Or is there a way to see what is causing this?


  • And now its back up????
    I have no clue why it was down for 5 minutes

  • K17K17 ✭✭✭

    Maybe your MySQL server was down for 5 minutes ^^
    Vanilla show the "Something has gone worng" message on each error it can handle.
    To have details, you must enable debug (but when you get the error only)

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