Hide Tags From Sidebar

using vanilla 2.3.1 and i want to remove the tags of each topic from the side bar of each page on the forum.
What can I add or remove to the conf.php


  • As far as I know there is no way to configure that in your config. You have two possibilities: one is writing a plugin which will remove the module from the panel (those are the terms used in Vanilla for those "widgets" and "sidebar" like things) and the other option would be to hide them via css. The CSSEdit plugin is a great way to apply small style tweaks to your forum.

  • thanks @R_J !

  • you can edit "toString" method in "class.tagmodule.php" which placed in tagging plugin.
    copy the original before that.

  • @salamj : Editing core files is the worst approach to change Vanillas behavior. Vanilla is extensible and that's one of its biggest advantages. Please don't give such an advise especially to Vanilla beginners.

  • @R_J , I agree but tagging is plugin you may take copy of it and enable it after editing and save cope of original without enabling.

  • @salamj said:
    @R_J , I agree but tagging is plugin you may take copy of it and enable it after editing and save cope of original without enabling.

    The same is true for Vanilla. You can make a copy and work with that, trying to implement all the plugins functionalities directly in the core files. But on the next update, you will be lost.

    Yes, tagging is only a plugin and therefore it is not comparable to changing Vanillas core files, you might say. But look at this this commit: the way tagging is integrated into Vanilla will change drastically. Everybody who has changed parts of the tagging plugin will soon find outthat they have wasted their time.

    Since you never know if you are only doing a small and unimportant "fix" to the code or if you are changing something which is doomed to be lost when you do the next update, I can only stress that changing Vanillas behavior should be done in the safest way possible. This is the ranking that I would suggest:

    1. Try to find out if there is a config setting for your problem
    2. Is it solvable with a custom translation?
    3. Can it be done with CSS?
    4. Is it possible to solve the problem with a plugin?
    5. Will overriding a function (not a method!) be sufficient?
    6. Does it require a custom theme
    7. Check 1-6 again
    8. Ask the community how the problem can be solved
    9. Try to think of other approaches to achieve what you like and if there are some, start over from 1. again
    10. Change files other people have written.
    11. Consider giving feedback on GitHub that you have not been able to solve a problem in a clean way and - if you can - suggest a change that would have empowered you to extend Vanilla
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