Forum integration with Composr CMS

I have a unique requirement. I want to Composr CMS for my upcoming site. However, I am not comfortable with the forum layout available in Composr by default. So, I am considering to use another forum product and integrate with Composr. Earlier I checked with the phpBB community as Composr officially supports integration with phpBB 3.1. However, it is partially working for phpBB 3.2.

Then, I found Vanilla forum through internet. I am immediately impressed with the simple and yet clean layout. The best I have seen so far. Loving it, Good job Vanilla team.

Okay, now to my question. Is it possible to integrate Vanilla forum with Composr?


  • Your requirement isn't really unique. In order to integrate Vanilla to your CMS (whatever CMS that might be), you need to work with jsConnect . There are already some helpful discussions here in the forum

  • Thanks, R_J for the response.

    However, I don’t just want SSO, I also need to be able to store Composr content comments in Vanilla. There’s a whole API they have called ‘forum drivers’.

  • Sounds as if this might be a job for a composr developer. Could you give a link to such a driver?

  • there is an api, however I'm not sure what you mean by integrate. These kinds of cludges or "bridges" :p rarely work well.

    grep is your friend.

  • Take a look at this composer cms link and see if you can export data via rss and import it via one of the Vanilla Feed Discussions plugins

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