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moving credits to footer
i integrated vanilla in my site design and now i would like to move the vanilla credits from the sidebar to my footer, since all other credits are in there as well. been looking in panel.php, but i just can't find it. thanks for your help.
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$Panel->AddString($Context->GetDefinition('PanelFooter'), 500);
$Context->Dictionary['PanelFooter'] contains the panel html. that string is added to the panel via Panel::AddString. if you remove that line, the credits won't appear on the panel any more, and you're free to place them whereever you want.thats just my opinion though, who knows.
To make a long explanation short. When you visit someones forum/community you can tell if they coded it or not, 99.9% of the time they didn't. So your "Internet Instincts" come in along with some good ol' "Internet Common Sense" and you can, within seconds, locate the link to the software they used. So I believe it was written in such way to deter everyone except for those who were in search/need/interest of forum software. Genius if you ask me. Who knows, maybe the man himself will see this and tell us what the mysterious reason is for the credits being the way they are. I mean everything else was so well thought out when making this software I am sure they didn't decide to half ass it when it came time to displaying the one thing that represents them the most.