Marry Christmas and a happy New Year.. ;)

Take your time out... live is quick enough... :lol::heart:


  • Ups, spelling mistake. It's "Merry Christmas". Your suggestions isn't quiet legal when it comes to engagement. But what do I know, everyone should marry whatever he or she wants. ;)

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  • Hahaha... oh noo.... :D:dizzy: I was thinking of my Grandma Marry... .:D
    I made a SongVideo for her, so her name stuck in my brain... .D :D:dizzy:

    hehehe.... :D:D:D

  • Oh mein Gott! Da hast du uns Deutschen aber einen Bärendienst erwiesen... o.O

  • Hahahaaaa... OMA IST DIE BESTE!! :+1::lol: :lol

  • I watched the video out of curiosity and felt like I was immediately teleported into that weird planet from the Fifth Element movie, but not to the main show, to a scene on a side street that was cut out from the final script. Something the director realized could never be translated and understood by people whose musical history included the likes of Bach, Mozart, Wagner to name a few (am I making no sense? Mission accomplished!). Clearly Dr. Sommer's latest comment is a message encoded for the aliens of that above mentioned planet, and I will hereby do my best to translate, word by word symbol by symbol:

    Hahahaaaa... Meaning "Listen to Santa" (Ho ho ho), here comes the code:
    OMA IST - Zero MA One Street (clearly an address)
    DIE BESTE!! - Kill the beast
    :+1: - get one reward
    :lol - and eat it on a plate surrounded by chopsticks on both sides.

    There can be no other explanation.


  • Haha... I think you have a healthy Imagination, @rbrahmson... :lol: and fully kompatible with mine... :lol:

    may the OMA be with you, my young padawan... :lol::+1:

  • Wow nice! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  • K17K17 ✭✭✭

    Happyyyyyy newwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww year from France ! (And a little bit late sorry xD)

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