Where is: You must READ the terms of service warning

edited September 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I've been digging around and I know I'm being blind!

Where is the: You must READ the terms of service warning that comes up on sign up.

Some of my members seem to have banner blindness so I want to add a little more text.



  • it should be somewhere in /languages/definitions.php
  • I can't seem to find it in there though. I can see:

    $Context->Dictionary['IHaveReadAndAgreeTo'] = 'I have read and agree to the //1'; $Context->Dictionary['TermsOfService'] = 'Terms of Service';
    But not the warning message.
  • good point, just had a look as well and i can't find it either, sorry, don't know where else it could be
  • It's in the ExtendedApplicationForm extension.
  • Actually that extension only forces you to read it, but it doesn't let you modify the terms of service, which I believe is what steviehype is looking for. I could use this myself, seeing how my forum is in spanish (Castellano) and the terms of service are in english...
  • Well the actual terms of service body itself is in the definitions file, but the 'you must read bla bla bla...' warning is in that extension.
  • edited August 2010

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