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Learning to live with IE

This isn't really a Vanilla question, but I hope one of you legends can help me please.
This forum has discussed many times the difficulties of working with IE, and how we'd all rather nobody uses it. But they do, so we have to make our pages look OK on IE. I'm having a problem with a horizontal row of JPEGs. I have set up a division in my CSS to cover the full width, and then a separate division within that for each JPEG. Each division has margins so they all line up from the left with a gap between them. Looks fine on Safari and Firefox, but IE puts extra spaces in somewhere and the line of JPEGs runs over width.
The problem seems to be a text box at the beginning of the JPEGs - IE makes a 10px margin 20px wide. My question is, does anyone know anywhere where IE anomolies are recorded, so I can figure what I can do to get the margin right again. Thanks.
This forum has discussed many times the difficulties of working with IE, and how we'd all rather nobody uses it. But they do, so we have to make our pages look OK on IE. I'm having a problem with a horizontal row of JPEGs. I have set up a division in my CSS to cover the full width, and then a separate division within that for each JPEG. Each division has margins so they all line up from the left with a gap between them. Looks fine on Safari and Firefox, but IE puts extra spaces in somewhere and the line of JPEGs runs over width.
The problem seems to be a text box at the beginning of the JPEGs - IE makes a 10px margin 20px wide. My question is, does anyone know anywhere where IE anomolies are recorded, so I can figure what I can do to get the margin right again. Thanks.
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Perhaps it is the "Doubled Float Margin Bug"? Check that link.
There is also an easy hack to feed a value just to IE: The Underscore Hack
Note: Validators call underscores as an error, but it's kosher.
Both of the above sites are great sources of information.
That is awesome, it looks like exactly what I need. I have already made the change, but not having IE myself (or only an outdated Mac version that doesn't reflect what happens on Windows) I have to wait and get info in from someone else. But I'm sure it will do the trick. "thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou" x 2.
* resists the urge to rant about Microsoft and its bloody-minded attitude, why does anyone use their crappy stuff, etc, and goes quietly *
Up till then "hack" meant something (to me) like the box-model hack... voice-family\{/\;/etc, etc. What a mess!
The underscore is simple. Neat. Direct. Only targets IE.
You can see exactly where you have hacked your CSS.
Takes fewer bytes than CSS conditional comments.
We can only hope IE7 behaves like a normal browser and ignores all the stuff that used to have to be targeted to it...
Or a meteor could hit Redmond. I'm impartial.
Just curious, but how would you change vanilla.css to take advantage of your css rule?
@being sarcastic,
the only thing CSS has over tables is the ability to change the look and layout on the fly which you can't do with tables and yes it validates as standard compliance whoppee other then this its just another option to use, I prefer CSS because it makes design so much easier,
Have you ever actually designed with tables before? They can be equally problematic. FYI I use CSS extensively and I've never read a book. I simply have the spec sheet.
Have you ever tested pages using CSS2 specs in Safari? I'd be willing to attribute Safari with 5% of standards design grief. However, Safari doesn't really even matter. Nobody uses it.