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Vanilla to WP theme



  • JW, check it out
  • Great job! I keep on getting errors.
  • Errors on my site or are you trying to do the same with yours? If you are trying to do the same with yours, here is what i had to do (thanks to the help of filosofo at WP forums): 1)<?php require('./wp-blog-header.php'); ?> (make sure your path to the wp-blog-header is correct) at the bottom of the Vanilla file conf/database.php, nowhere else. 2)Near the top of Vanilla's library/Framework/Framework.Class.MySQL.php you should see this: class MySQL extends Database { function CloseConnection() { if ($this->Connection) @mysql_close($this->Connection); } Add a line so it looks like this instead: class MySQL extends Database { function CloseConnection() { if ($this->Connection) @mysql_close($this->Connection); global $wpdb; $wpdb = new wpdb(DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME, DB_HOST); } 3)in head.php, very top of file, put in your call for the sidebar, header (<?php get_header(); ?>) 4)in foot.php, put your call for your footer (<?php get_footer(); ?> My calls for the sidebar, header and footer were different than what i typed here and yours may be too. I have to do some CSS work and you may have to also. My DB is integrated according to Mark's instructions here at Lussomo. Hope this works for you. Let me know how it goes.
  • They were my wp errors, not yours. I will try what you have described above. I don't have mine integrated, just want to get the look of the theme. Thank you.
  • No problems, my friend. Thank you for the help!
  • edited 2006 26
    carnold, thanks for your solution! I started with your, but ended with slightly different approach:
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