Discussions per page

Hello, I have a total of 11 discussions on my website. From Dashboard, under Posting, I chose "10" as the number for Discussions per page. I was expecting to see 10 discussions on page 1 and only 1 discussion on page 2. However, I still see all 11 discussions on page 1 and 0 discussions on page two. I cleared cache, but still same issue. Can anyone assist me with this issue? Thank you.


  • Can anyone assist me regarding the settings of discussion per page, namely the number of discussions per page.?

  • We don’t have a link to see , my guess is the cache. Try changing it to 5 , or something else. Then check it with a different browser.

  • websferewebsfere New
    edited January 2018

    @vrijvlinder Thanks for the comment. Discussions per page minimum number starts at 10 - that's the lowest number that I can choose from the Dashboard. I cannot choose 5 as it does not exist. It is 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and so forth.

  • websferewebsfere New
    edited January 2018

    Update: I just tried setting to 15 as the number of discussions per page. Page 2 shows up but it is not showing any discussions. Page 1 contains all of my 16 discussions. Where is this information coded so that I can fix it manually by accessing my cpanel. Thanks.

  • I believe I found it - Application > Vanilla > Settings > configuration.php. Interestingly none of the configuration settings change when these settings are changed from the Dashboard.

    Also, any announcement discussions on the main page are automatically combined with the total number of discussions on that page. Example - if there are 3 announcement discussions on the first page and 10 discussions should be maximum limit per page, then 13 discussions show up on first page. Can this be fixed?

  • RiverRiver MVP
    edited January 2018

    @websfere said:

    I believe I found it - Application > Vanilla > Settings > configuration.php. Interestingly none of the configuration settings change when these settings are changed from the Dashboard.

    don't change that file as per the iinstructions in the file.

    Also, any announcement discussions on the main page are automatically combined with the total number of discussions on that page. Example - if there are 3 announcement discussions on the first page and 10 discussions should be maximum limit per page, then 13 discussions show up on first page. Can this be fixed?

    True, the count of discussions per page is exclusive of announcements.

    you can change config settings are in conf/config.php

    you can add them if they are not there e.g.

    ['Vanilla']['Discussions']['PerPage'] = '5';

    for examples of config statements and other info see


    you could study

    vanilla / applications / vanilla / models / class.discussionmodel.php

    which is where announcements are probably filtered

    then override the info with a plugin. imho its not worth the effort.

    Pragmatism is all I have to offer. Avoiding the sidelines and providing centerline pro-tips.

  • @River. As always thank you for the thorough explanation. I appreciate your help!

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