Whoops! There was an error, whenever someone tries to post. [RESOLVED]

edited March 2018 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

Finally found the time to upgrade to 2.5.1 (previous 2.1) but now whenever someone tries to post on my forum they get the "Whoops! There was an error" message although the message has actually posted ok. This results in users repeatedly posting the same message until they either give up or realise. Any ideas please?


  • MVP
    edited March 2018

    Standard debugging advice:

    start by switching to the default theme

    If that fixes it, it is obviously a theme issue.

    If not, disable all plugins (except HTMLawed)

    If that resolves it, re-enable one at a time until the issue returns.

  • you might also test with older .htaccess and make sure you change rewritebase to match your forum


    numerous plugins are broken in 2.5.1 as well.

    also tagging plugin should not be used. it is incorporated in vanilla itself.

    Pragmatism is all I have to offer. Avoiding the sidelines and providing centerline pro-tips.

  • Thanks whu606 it was the Roll Title plugin. just need to try and fix it so I can have it enabled, thats for another day.

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