"Basic Pages" Plugin not working
Hi everyone, I'm new here.
I installed Vanilla Forums recently and everything was fine until it's time for me to start creating pages; I did some research and found "Basic Pages" plugin, I installed it in the plugin folder of my Vanilla installation but it didn't work; I couldn't find it on the dashboard to activate. Same process was repeated in the application folder, yet no sign of it on my dashboard.
What am I doing wrong? Please help fix this problem.
Basic Pages is an application for Vanilla, not a plugin. You must put the "basicpages" folder inside of your Vanilla installation's "applications" folder, not the "plugins" folder. It should look like this:
(inside basicpages folder is basicpages.png, addon.json, other folders, etc). When you go to the Applications page in your Vanilla dashboard, make sure you click the link to refresh Vanilla's Addon Cache, which should appear on the bottom left of your screen. If it isn't there, delete this file:/cache/addon.php
.You can then activate it at the Applications page in your dashboard.
Add Pages to Vanilla with the Basic Pages app
Thank you for this insightful response. I have done everything as stated. I have installed the basicpages into the /applications/basicpages and still didn't show up in the dashboard.
One more question, please, where do I couldn't find /cache/addon.php
All I can see in public_html/cache is show in the attached image.
I guess you are using Vanilla with a lesser version number than 2.5? Please update as soon as possible.
In the Basic Pages description you could find "Only supports Vanilla v2.5+"
Thanks guys.
Problems now resolved.
I was busy installing basicpages 2.1.8 multiple times; then something told me to get a lower version (2.1.7), I did and that settled my nightmare.
So I'd like to use this moment to thank this amiable moderator @Shadowdare for the wonderful role played in making sure all went well with me during my state of "Vanilla ignorance". Thank you, I really appreciate.
Shoutout to @R_J for contributing and responding to my private mail.
Y'all are appreciated.
But you are still using an older version of Vanilla, don't you? You should upgrade that version nevertheless (and think about cleaning that message from your profile
I download and uploaded version 2.5.1 into the older version on the cpanel. I believe the files have been replaced/upgraded. And yes, I have cleaned the message.
BTW, awesome concept of a plugin. I am getting this error in 2.8 when I attempt to create a new page
@donshakespeare, I guess that your IP is being saved as an IPv6 address when saving a page. I haven't tested IPv6 addresses with Basic Pages before, so you just discovered a bug!
The technical explanation for this bug is that the schema for the IPAddress fields in Basic Pages is set to the varchar(15) type. This is good for IPv4, which takes 15 characters when represented as a string. I'll change those field types to ipaddress, which is an alias for varbinary(16) in Vanilla, so that it can support saving IPv6 (as a packed IP address) with the page data. I'll release an update shortly.
On the other hand, I probably don't need to store IP addresses with the page data, but since I'm saving InsertUserID and UpdateUserID, I might as well keep including those.
Add Pages to Vanilla with the Basic Pages app
@Shadowdare said, but the Rich Editor doesn't let me quote only that sentence:
On the other hand, I probably don't need to store IP addresses with the page data, but since I'm saving InsertUserID and UpdateUserID, I might as well keep including those.
Just because I'm a paranoid, data privacy obsessed German I'd recommend to not keep the IP. Generally spoken: if you do not need private data, you have no legitimation to collect it.
@R_J, I think it would be nice to know who saved/edited a page, but I'm not displaying it anywhere in the app, so you have a good point. Actually, since the "page dashboard" is only visible to those with the Garden.Settings.Manage permission, we don't really need to save insert/update IP addresses. Is there any use to saving the user ID, too? I could display a "Last edited by username" somewhere.
IP addresses are still being stored across other models on Vanilla, though. 😬
Add Pages to Vanilla with the Basic Pages app
I don't see additional value in keeping the last editing user when there is no history. You'll never be able to "blame" someone for the content.
You could make use of Vanillas logging feature so that changes to pages get a history. I'd say that this would be a nice extension- technically. Practically nobody asked for such a feature by now...
thanks @Shadowdare . Looking forward to testing out this most excellent plugin
@R_J, thanks for your input. I've decided to remove those columns as they aren't needed now.
For those updating to v2.1.9, those columns will still exist in the DB, but they aren't going to be used starting with v2.1.9.
@donshakespeare, I just uploaded v2.1.9, please give it a try. :)
Add Pages to Vanilla with the Basic Pages app
That error has been banished!!! great job!
I am getting following error:
Plugin Version: 2.9
Vanilla Forum Version: 3.1
PHP 7.3
Apache Version 2.4.39
MySQL Version5.7.27
@prashantkrsingh, when are you getting this error? Do you get it when trying to enable Basic Pages?
Add Pages to Vanilla with the Basic Pages app
Dashboard (3.3) "All Pages" drag n drop feature seems broken, isn't ? Tried using Firefox ESR 68
Linux / Apache 2.4 PHP 7.3 MySQL 5.7
this still does not work with 3.1 as I get a crash if wanting to view all pages.
You should be on 2021.009 not 3.x