Updated 2.3 to 2.5 now there's no outgoing emails

So I did that and now I don't get any emails when someone creates a post or comments on a thread, I have the options active in my profile
also in the dashboard I click Outgoing email and goes back to the main page of the settings a few settings do this actually
please help


  • hey guys, this is a real issue, if is not solved I'll have to switch to another forum

    thank you

  • well I guess that's the end of vanilla for me
    can't get any help, thanks


  • MVP
    edited May 2018

    This is a volunteer forum to support self-hosted Vanilla users. The support you get is what people feel they can offer.

    It's clearly not a general issue, so would appear to be specific to your circumstances.

    No one can guess what has gone wrong in your particular situation, so what do you expect people to do?

    Did you follow all the steps of upgrading, including 'Delete all files in /cache.'?

    Saying 'a few settings do this actually' suggests there is an issue with the installation, but without any detail, how can you expect people to guess what that might be?

  • Hi
    thank you for your answer
    I did follow all the steps on the upgrade page.
    I was looking for a little guidance but yeah, you're right you guys want to sell this and if I want real support I should just pay you.

    anyway, thanks

  • Hi

    I'm not 'one of those guys' - almost no one who helps on here has any affiliation with Vanilla, beyond using the software for their own sites.

    I wan't suggesting that you wouldn't get support here, just pointing out that what support there is comes from people who give up their own time to try to help others, so it isn't 24/7, and it isn't always possible for someone to help.

    If you can provide more detail about what other settings are not working, it may be that someone can give you guidance.

  • Moderator

    a few settings do this actually

    You need to delete /applications/vanilla/controllers/class.settingscontroller.php
    It's in the upgrade instructions for 2.5:

  • @Bleistivt said:

    a few settings do this actually

    You need to delete /applications/vanilla/controllers/class.settingscontroller.php
    It's in the upgrade instructions for 2.5:

    oh I missed that, that is not in the github upgrade instructions, I'll try it

    @whu606 I din't mean to offend you or anyone else, I was just trying to understand the situation here, sorry if that sounded like that.

    thank you

  • thanks a lot that was the issue with the settings I can now properly debug the emails issue
    thanks a lot

    sorry if I sounded like a jerk, was kinda scared


  • @varomix

    No offence taken!

    Glad you got things sorted, or at least moved forwards.

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