Please upgrade here. These earlier versions are no longer being updated and have security issues.
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Just updated. Sign in links don't work, old passwords don't work
Updated to 2.6 today, sign in button on side and top menus do not work. If I right click, they will open in new window, but then the old passwords don't work -- seem to be gone. Tried disabling all plug ins one at a time, reloading, but nothing seems to work.
site is
As for the passwords, I have a backup, Is there a database I can overwrite?
Thanks for any suggestions/help
Welcome to the community.
Which version did you update from?
Have you deleted the files from /cache folder?
Which theme are you using? Have you tried with the default theme?
Hi, thanks. I haven't deleted anything -- there are a couple files, an .htaccess, and a couple sub folders in the cache folder, one called Smarty. Do I delete EVERYTHING there?
I don't know which version I updated from. I set this up in 2015, customized, and haven't touched it since. Regret I don't remember.
Will deleting the cache folder contents somehow restore the passwords? thanks again for replying. I've been using this community for three years now, always found an answer until now. This is a very helpful bunch!
Take a look at this troubleshooting topic