Seriously, how do you allow posting of photos?

I have the BBInsertBar and BetterBBCode extensions enabled and the photos don't show, only the HTML code shows. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


  • Are you clicking the HTML button before you add your comment?
  • How comes you need to hit the HTML button for BBcode to display correctly? There's something strange here. I noticed it a moment ago and I'm pretty confused about this.
  • What's confusing?

    Text = text --------- Html = html
  • edited September 2006
    I've both the HTML formatter and the Better BBcode extension installed. BBcode tags are only displayed in my comments if I check the HTML button and don't work if I check the BBcode button.
  • Wanderer, looks like your bandwidth limit was reached, your picture doesn't load.
  • edited September 2006
    Open \extensions\BetterBBCode\default.php

    This line should be at the bottom:

    $Context->StringManipulator->AddManipulator("BBCode", $BetterBBCodeFormatter);

    if it says "HTML" instead of "BBCode", that's your problem. Otherwise, I have no idea.
  • Do you have text-only mode on? If so, it needs to be off.
  • Oh ok, I was really confused...

    Some tags are identical in HTML and BBcode except they use some "<" instead of "[" and I mixed up everything, I must be pretty tired :B

    Sorry for the lame question, no wonder if Wanderer has seen a cubist influence here.
  • <a href="" title="2008_easterfest_005 by d.j. paine, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="500" alt="2008_easterfest_005" /></a>
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