Mobile version not working

I put $Configuration[‘Garden’][‘MobileTheme’] = “CloudyPremium”;

into my config yet it doesnt work.


  • When I add it to conf/config.php it turns out like this

    $Configuration[‘Garden’][‘MobileTheme’] = “Cloudy”;

  • @CptLuckyy said:
    When I add it to conf/config.php it turns out like this

    $Configuration[‘Garden’][‘MobileTheme’] = “Cloudy”;

    This is completely wrong.

    I contacted you in CM.

  • Contacted me on CM? What is that.

  • @CptLuckyy said:
    Contacted me on CM? What is that.

    Hi there,
    he probably means "Creative Market".

  • R_JR_J Admin

    @CptLuckyy said:
    When I add it to conf/config.php it turns out like this

    $Configuration[‘Garden’][‘MobileTheme’] = “Cloudy”;

    Maybe you are using word which translates simple " to something which looks nicely but is a different character. Make sure you use some text editor, no word processing software

  • I was provided with the code to put in... It done that it self after a simple copy and paste.

  • Its fixed now as I was given the mobile version.

  • @R_J said:

    @CptLuckyy said:
    When I add it to conf/config.php it turns out like this

    $Configuration[‘Garden’][‘MobileTheme’] = “Cloudy”;

    Maybe you are using word which translates simple " to something which looks nicely but is a different character. Make sure you use some text editor, no word processing software

    Hi RJ,
    Thanks for your sincere help, Always ...

    I create a separate theme for mobile version.

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