[Vanilla 2.6] Unread status css class doesn't switch to Read on category.
I would like to use CSS class Read/Unread on category to add color when a category have unread messages.
For the CSS I'm right, but class doesn't change even if all discussions in category are reads and I don't understand why...
This is my layout : https://i42.servimg.com/u/f42/18/46/59/30/layout10.png
And my categories/discussions config :
Use case :
User A post a message in a discussion "Foo" in category "Discussions Générales"
User B connect on forum.
Category "Discussions Générales" on dashboard has 'Unread' class. It's OK.
Discussion "Foo" in "Discussions Générales" has 'Unread' class and '1 new' label. It's OK.
User B read discussion "Foo" and back in "Discussions Générales". "Foo" lost his new label and has 'Read' css class. It's OK.
User B back to home, "Discussions Générales" always has 'Unread' class until all messages are reads. And it's here I don't understand why.
For me, if all discussions are read in "Discussions Générales", css class should be change to 'Read' and not stay to 'Unread'...
Any ideas of where I making wrong ?
There is currently an open issue:
You need to mark a category as read manually before it works automatically.
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