Any Verizon Customer?

BentotBentot New
edited September 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I'm glad I use Comcast.


  • I have Verizon and never had any problems with them other than their cellular service for a few reasons. 1)They put their crappy, ugly interface on almost all of their phones. 2) Always have shitty ugly phones (although lately they have been pretty nice and since they are brining the KRZR and SLVR over it should even get better) 3) They have a stupid policy where if you come from another country or you bought a CDMA phone in another country and you know it would work on Verizon, they still make you buy a new phone.
  • Hah. Pussy. We had 4 lines down at work for 9 days and they charged us £2.5k for a 35 minute fix. That's the shit.
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