Hashtag not working on vanilla 2.6.4, it requires Tagging Plugin


I would like to use Hashtag capabilities and Tags in my forum, so I end up with Hashtag plugin, but when I try to turn on this plugin from the Dashboard, it shows a message "Tagging plugin is required", as far as I know, in 2.6.4 Tagging is integrated in vanilla core, so I have my forum with the Tagging functionallity activated, is there any way to use Hashtags?

Thanks in advance!!


  • rbrahmsonrbrahmson ✭✭✭
    edited November 2018

    Corrected Response

    Hi Frafat, You are correct, the tagging function went core and I need to update the plugin in the repository.

    Can you try the version from Github? It is supposed to handle Version 2.5/2.6. Please let me know if it works for you.

  • Hi @rbrahmson

    Let me thank you, I've downloaded the version from Github and it's working!


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