I am Getting " Something has gone wrong" error after instaliing some plugins. Can some one help ?
Fatal Error in PHP.gdn_ErrorHandler();
Unknown column 'coalesce(c.Score' in 'order clause'
The error occurred on or near: /home/natnitne/talk.natnit.net/library/database/class.database.php
403: // If we get here then the pdo statement prepared properly.
404: break;
406: } catch (Gdn_UserException $uex) {
407: trigger_error($uex->getMessage(), E_USER_ERROR);
408: } catch (Exception $ex) {
409: list($state, $code, $message) = $pDO->errorInfo();
411: // If the error code is consistent with a disconnect, attempt to retry
[/home/natnitne/talk.natnit.net/library/database/class.database.php:407] PHP::trigger_error();
[/home/natnitne/talk.natnit.net/library/database/class.sqldriver.php:1707] Gdn_Database->query();
[/home/natnitne/talk.natnit.net/library/database/class.sqldriver.php:664] Gdn_SQLDriver->query();
[/home/natnitne/talk.natnit.net/applications/vanilla/models/class.commentmodel.php:300] Gdn_SQLDriver->get();
[/home/natnitne/talk.natnit.net/applications/vanilla/controllers/class.discussioncontroller.php:162] CommentModel->getByDiscussion();
[/home/natnitne/talk.natnit.net/library/core/class.dispatcher.php:845] DiscussionController->index();
[/home/natnitne/talk.natnit.net/library/core/class.dispatcher.php:274] Gdn_Dispatcher->dispatchController();
[/home/natnitne/talk.natnit.net/index.php:29] Gdn_Dispatcher->dispatch();
Variables in local scope:
[sql] 'select c.*
from GDN_Comment
join (select CommentID
from GDN_Comment
where c
= 2
order by coalesce(c
asc, 0)
desc, c
limit 30) c2 on c.CommentID = c2.CommentID'
[inputParameters] array (
[options] array (
'Type' => 'select',
'Slave' => NULL,
'ReturnType' => 'DataSet',
[returnType] 'DataSet'
[tries] 2
[try] 0
[pDO] array (
[pDOStatement] false
[state] '42S22'
[code] 1054
[message] 'Unknown column \'coalesce(c.Score\' in \'order clause\''
[uex] array (
Need Help?
Here is the message I am getting . Let me know what Iam doing wrong.
Welcome to the community.
One of the plugins is causing an issue.
Disable the plugins you installed, and enable them one by one to discover which is the culprit.
Based on that discussion I would check Voting and In This Discussion first