Local testing for an existing forum

edited September 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Is there a way (there probably is, but I'm not aware of it) to transfer a public board onto my EasyPHP server for Win?

I have tried to make a database and install a fresh copy of Vanilla, then I have imported the database from the live board and the local copy chokes on it. As I said I'm sure there is a way to do this, I'm just not aware of it. Can anyone offer a step-by-step instructions on this because I'm really not that experienced with serverside stuff. PS, I'm using phpmyadmin.


  • Do you have problem to import the database, or it is vanilla that has a problem with the imported database?
  • Vanilla has the problem, it spits out this error:

    Error Message
    The connection to the database failed:
    Affected Elements

    The error occurred on or near: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Make sure that there is a password on your root user. If not, and you don't want one, create a new mysql user and make that one have a password. Also make sure that user has full access to the vanilla database.

    Then make sure that your conf/database.php has the correct connection parameters for your mysql.
  • Make sure that there is a password on your root user. If not, and you don't want one, create a new mysql user and make that one have a password. Also make sure that user has full access to the vanilla database.
    This did the trick, Thanks!
  • I have one more question I can't seem to find an answer for.

    I have enabled mod_rewrite for my local testing server (EasyPHP) but I have another problem with relative paths. All the paths that start with a "/" (a slash) render broken because for some reason the "/" is considered root of the server (my C:/www dir) and not http://localhost/mysitesdir. Does anyone know where is this set so it calculates relative paths from the site's directory and not from server root? Or am I missing something big time?
  • I think the procedure for extracting a live WP database would be the same for a Vanilla database in order to install it locally. Check out this procedure by podz. The key is editing the sql file to replace all of your url references to localhost.
  • edited September 2006
    @DraganBabic: check conf/settings.php especially $Configuration['WEB_ROOT'] = '/mysitesdir/'
  • @ Dinoboff:
    I think it is an issue on my EasyPHP install (or every EasyPHP install).
  • From what I've read .. mod_rewrite isn't compatible with windows installations... all windows server packages ... have you considered double booting with Ubuntu?
  • edited September 2006
    I just remembered that I had this problem, too. I don't know if it is in podz's instructions, but I had to modify the httpd.conf in the apache/conf folder. I removed the # sign from:

    #LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so

    At the top of this file it talks about the backslash. I was just comparing my current httpd.conf file with an original copy I have. At least on my computer, I have a lot of changes in mine. I don't remember making these changes though. It does look like all references to "/xampp/cgi-bin" have been changed to the exact path "d:/Program Files/xampp/cgi-bin" and so on. And my current file size is 20KB compared to the original size of 60KB.
  • I use easyphp and don't have this issue.
  • Sorry, I didn't see the easyphp.
  • I have fiddled wit httpd.conf quite a bit, but this just won't work. Mod_rewrite is working fine though after I enabled it.
This discussion has been closed.