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Keystone Theme - how do I add some additional menu items?

I am using the Keystone Theme but struggling to work out how to add external links to the top bar similar to those of the sign-in and register button.

Anyone have any idea where to add them?


  • charrondevcharrondev Vanilla Staff

    The next release will have an easy way to add these without any particular theming knowledge.

    Until then this requires a custom theme.

  • R_JR_J Admin

    By now Keystone doesn't play well with the custom_menu: on mobile it is in the hamburger menu and in desktop view the menu is hidden. It would be great if this can be changed so that using the custom_menu, the preferred way to add menu items would be possible again.

    But having something more flexible, like "exposing" the custom_menu to the dashboard would also be great. Doing this via a theme would be wasted since this would restrict such a feature to only that theme. How about making that a feature of the pockets plugin? To me that sounds like the best match: pockets are there to insert any kind of content at many flexible places, so why not also add content into the menu with pockets?

  • edited March 2019

    Hi all, I've noticed this problem too, I've tried to solve it with this simple html and css added using an addon:

    This goes just under the closing of desktop head in html:

    <div class="Header-top-base">
      <div class="Header-top">
        <div class='Top-int-row'>
          <a href='/categories' class='Navigation-link Selected'>
        <div class='Top-int-row'>
          <a href='/discussions' class='Navigation-link '>
        <div class='Top-int-row'>
          <a href='/activity' class='Navigation-link '>
        <div class='Top-int-row'>
                <a href='your blog link' class='Navigation-link sub-menu'>
        <div class='Top-int-row'>
                <a href='your shop link' class='Navigation-link sub-menu'>

    And this is the necessary css to let all work fine

    .Header-top {
      background-color: #00aff2;
      align-self: flex-start;
      align-items: flex-start;
      display: flex;
      margin: 0 auto;
      max-width: 1224px;
      padding-right: 18px;
    .Header-top-base {
      background-color: #00aff2;
    .Top-int-row {
      float: left;
  • R_JR_J Admin

    @Lorenzo_Prn i've edited your comment to make it more readable: if you mark some lines, you can click on the paragraph symbol on the left and you get an option to mark those lines as a code block

  • I would also love for Pockets to be able to accept some kind of dynamic code, Smarty at least. Then all our issues would be half gone ... :)

  • mirXmirX
    edited September 2019

    Hi, @Markdb. You can add additional link(s) to the top menu via Basic Pages application right now.

    Suppose you need the link named Contacts at the top. Create page Contacts. Enable Show header site menu link in Concole / All Pages to add external link to the top. If you need other link then youforum/contacts, create custom route (see https://docs.vanillaforums.com/developer/routes/). Enjoy.

  • rbrahmsonrbrahmson ✭✭✭
    edited September 2019

    ​In our intranet we use a plugin based dynamic menu system. It's depends on removal of menu traces within the used theme and instead having the plugin place menu items through a module asset combination. ​ It displays different menu options depending on different conditions (hence "dynamic") as well as ​supporting ​pulldown menus​ (with JS of course)​. Unfortunately it is not ready for publication but the concept should be clear from the above description. There is an old plugin called Side Panel links that adds "menu-like" links on a side panel. With little effort the plugin​ ​module​ ​could direc​t​ the output to the top instead of the side panel, thus facilitating​ more​ simplified menu system than our internal ​one.

    I hope the menu system @charrondev mentioned will be will not be limited to keystone​.​

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