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Compatibility with Vanilla 2.8

I have modified the plugin to make it compatible with vanilla 2.8.
There is one issue with the test of the category ID :
if (!in_array($categoryID, c('EventCalendar.CategoryIDs'))) {
should now be
if (!in_array($categoryID, unserialize(c('EventCalendar.CategoryIDs')))) {
and also :
$sender->addDefinition( 'EventCalendarCategoryIDs', json_encode(unserialize(c('EventCalendar.CategoryIDs'))) );
Another correction, line 209
And lastly i think, a question..
the date inputs are rendered like this :
I'm looking for a way to customize the order of the fields (day, month, year instead of month, day, year).
And i'll like to have the months in french.. I have french names when showing in the calendar, but i can't figure how to do this in the case of the month select..
I did not found documentation about the $sender->Form->date options.. ?
Thanks if anyone does have information
If you like to, you can make pull requests to the repo
For translations, you need to create a file "fr.php" in the /locale subfolder of the plugin. Easiest approach would be to copy the german language file (it has more entries) and translate it.
If you look at this line
$fields = explode(',', t('EventCalendar.DateOrder', 'month,day,year'));
you can find a hint on how to change the order of the months: you need a translation for "EventCalendar.DateOrder" like it is done in the German locale fileYou can find great documentation in the Vanilla source code directly. Here is the date method of the form class
Thanks ! I managed to change the fields order, i saw the line in the plugin code, but i missed the translation (i should have search for the meaning of the 't' function !)
For the translation, i've tried the fr.php file in the /plugins/EventCalendar/locale directory, but it was not loaded.. When i put the translations in the /locales (root) it's OK !
And yes, for github i should learn to use it, but i'm not familiar with it, so it was quickier to just post the hints to make it work with 2.8
I have posted a quite long message earlier (not validated yet it seems) which explains how to add an end date to the event and replace the month view with fullcalendar.. I should do a pull request for this too.. as it's big changes to your code.
Thanks for your help
ok, i've put it on github and made a pull request
Oh also, in case you would like to use fullCalendar to view the events instead of the actual view..
In views/month.php
I construct the array i'll use (i've also used the profile extender to assign a color to each user) :
And for the calendar itself (with bootstrap 4, for the popover) :
If it can help someone ;)
Thanks for that! Adding the locale file to your "personal" locales is the better approach anyway. It might have worked if you have deleted the /cache/addon.php file, I guess...
Bonjour :D
Si tu as besoin d'aide pour la traduction je peux t'aider @levince ^^