Registration: Connect only results in 404

Greetings all,
I opened a ticket on the official GitHub but due to the nature of the issue I was advised to post my issue here as it may not indeed a bug (tho not sure I did anything wrong.)
Anyhow for the curious the original issue can be found here
I am using the 3.0 RC1 release and cannot confirm the issue exists in previous releases, per the GitHub link (above) this is my first go around with Vanilla so as such my knowledge on it's inner workings is not quite the best.
In a nutshell I have Facebook, Twitter, Google Auth (the new one not the G+ one) all up and running, these work fine. However when I enable Connect under Membership -> Registration users clicking the Registration link are now presented with a 404 which per again GitHub (still above) sends the user (again 404) to entry/register?Target=discussions rather than a modal box with social sign-ins or a page that does likewise.
- normal registration (Basic) works fine
- all SSO options appear to be working fine under all other modes
- pretty urls are enabled (configured)
I was unsure if I should have posted this in Development on here in 2.8 since no 3.0 category exists as of yet #showmercy
I believe you should set your config to
= 'Basic' because that is how you want users to register for your forum. If they want to connect via google or facebook or whatever they will be able to do it.Basic would set this to a simple username/password setup which is not inline with the option I was setting, so far as I'm aware the connect option allows you the admin to only allow registrations via connections i.e facebook, twitter etc - external authentication services - rather than the traditional method of signup.
What I'm trying to say and failing horribly at conveying it seems
when you set registration to connect EVEN if you have correctly setup facebook or twitter, google or any other oauth like service - the registration page provided a 404 when registration itself was specifically set to connect - which in my case was purposely done.
whomever moderates this topic was created prior to the creation of the 3.x help forums can you kindly move the topic please.
This is still an issue in 3.1 as per the blog post here
You should:
Which is fine except for the fact the big Registration button now 404's see: for working example (yes it's clunky but I'm only using this for comments for now... slow