Edit Role - Purpose of "Default Type" dropdown?

On the Dashboard's Edit Role page there is a dropdown labeled "Default Type" where you can "Select the default type for this role, if any." What exactly does this do?
I expected it to apply the permissions of the selected role. But that doesn't seem to be the case.
I've been searching all over for an answer to this.
Can't find anything in the documentation.
I thought this would immediately check the boxes to mimic the default type. Nope.
Then I thought maybe it would give that role the background same permissions as the default role. But apparently not because if I assign the new role alone to the member, they only get the powers ticked in this new role.
Oddly enough I didn't know myself, and ended up filing this issue.
One of our CSMs had some notes though and they were the following:
Default Type : This is an optional setting – it is not required for every role and should only be used in special circumstances.
Select a default type only if you wish to automatically assign your role to users:
MEMBER: All users who register to your community
GUEST: Guest users – i.e. users who are not logged in
UNCONFIRMED: Users who have not yet confirmed their email address – this role is assigned to new users when you have Email Confirmation enabled
APPLICANT: Users who have applied for membership - this role is assigned to new users when you use the Approval Registration method, and will also be applied to users who are required to apply for membership as a security measure – these will be users who have been reported to Stop Forum Spam as potential spammers. Read more about this here.r
MODERATOR and ADMINISTRATOR: Assign these to your role……I dont know about this one at all, seems they dont do anything.
Definitely needs to be clarified. I still don't have a clue what it does.
@id2d It's essentially used if you want that role to be automatically assigned to users in certain scenarios.
Basically if a role has the default role of
non-signed in users will get that role & it's permission. In this way you can create custom roles that apply to guest users. The same goes for each of the other users.