Multiple categories for a single post

Hello Friends, Great forum with great community ecosystem. I am trying to setup Vanilla forum for a jobs discussion board. But do I have an option to assign mupltiple categories to a single post. I am really looking for my deployment so please suggest me some hacks or tips that can make my requirement achievable. Regards Rajesh Segu


  • I've actually been looking for the same sort of feature. I think it's kind of silly to assume that a discussion should be allowed to only be in one category. One of the most constrictive things about conventional BB software is that it follows that strict hierarchical scheme. I think that an add-on that allowed users to select multiple categories (whether by multi-selection boxes or check boxes/radio buttons or any other method) would be a great benefit to making vanilla stand out from the crowd. If you have a sticky that you want to be at the top of EVERY category, you could do it easily. If you had a discussion that really could be in two or three categories, you wouldn't have to worry that someone who doesn't check one of those categories might miss it. So, anyways, I haven't found anything here on the forums so I'm starting work on it myself. I'm not that great of a PHP coder though so it might be a while.
  • Hmmm, one thing I love about Vanilla is that there is no possibility of the dreaded cross-post.
    I'd never turn on such a feature.
  • Course you could use tags otherwise...
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