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Cookies causing logout problems...

For some mystery reason, my cookies are causing an issue today that makes it imposible logging out.
Has anyone encountered this Glitch?
Deleting my cookies for vanilla makes it possible logging out.
This discussion has been closed.
That seems as if it solved the problem.
Not sure what caused the issue,
yet that seems like it was the solution.
Please specify your version
From november 2015 🥴🥺
18.083 !! commits since that release
@hardwired It is a very dangerous idea or behaviour to linger in older older versions. Many devs around here like to stay updated and might not be willing to troubleshoot code they have drifted from.
v2.1.13p.... From november 2015 PHP 5.6
since switching for PHP 7.1 gives me fatal errors instantly on other stable active web projects that reside on my server
Vanilla v2.1.13p is mostly stable now & somewhat heavily modified(except for the delete java hanging glitch)
having the newest most recent version is not my aspiration...
maybe 2.1.13p isn't the most stable version of 2.1(no clue what is the most stable version of v2.1)
yet anything over v2.2-v2.6 has been typically a very unstable experience for me...
honestly just wanted some lightweight forum that could be skinned for matching theme on Social Networking framework...
(Have some old php code for Vanilla v2.1 "integration")
It's all an experiment.
having the newest most recent version is not my aspiration...
And what about the security of your server, and that of your users? Because I would think that really should be your priority.
People aren't encouraged to use the latest Vanilla version because of 'cool' features, but because they contain numerous bug and security patches.
there's no CC#'s or real personal info beyond emails in the DB so that's no stress
may have some experience...
going all the way back for the days of operating extremely profitable commercial "wildcat" BBS servers
plus running ISP
w/e no big stress...
understandable if some questions are long in the memory holed past for you
will figure it out...
just like that hanging delete java glitch that obviously lingered for multiple releases
So you do not find it important to protect your users email address?
With all possible respect but as direct as possible:
Seems you do not get it, yet find it funny. (Edit: Last reply before this got edited while writing).
What I think you will find, is that ppl will not help you then.
PHP 5.6 was released august 2014 and final support ended december 2018.
If your hosting provider will not update then frankly you should not use that provider.
It seems you try to find and adjust a version that work with what you have instead of adjusting what you have to fit the requirement of the latest version
The later being the correct approach, if in doubt.
understandable if some questions are long in the memory holed past for you
Either you have the world's worst predictive text software, that's an epic Google translate fail, or you were tired and emotional when you wrote that. Whichever, I have absolutely no idea what it was supposed to mean, but will make a point of sparing you any further comments.
No, this occurs when obviously conducting experiments with multiple Vanilla installs on same server whilst attempting configuring JSConnect or ProxyConnect resulting in such types of problems with Vanilla site cookies... thus requiring deleting cookies for logging into specific Vanilla install... Thanks for sparing me from any further comments.
This "was" an experiment for having some basic lightweight forum embed with SSO... thanks for the help... Next
That is how "burning the bridges" in front of oneself look like.
Maybe you just didn't comprehend the multidimensional "memory holed" reference.
Maybe you didn't comprehend what you just said > "Thanks for sparing me from any further comments."
I'll spare you from comments aswell and myself from a childish mentality while letting the brief acquaintance go in the "memory hole".
Fare well
Very Good
When I was 10yrs old, I was that, that 10yr old.
Now that I am at my current age, my 10yr old self does not exist as such.
Unless a software supports/maintains multiple major versions, it exists only as its most current stable version.
Let's face it, Chrome 0.4 is not Chrome at all.
So, make sure you are experimenting, as you say, with the stable current version(s) and then have fun.
In dev work, the variables present in the world of troubleshooting is legion. Best we reduce the hazards.
In a nutshell, I hope you finally, after your "experiments", do use Vanilla Forums. It is a great piece of highly configurable software.
Oh, you might also want to calm down a little. The volunteer devs here or any where do not appreciate casual meanness.