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Is /vendor folder needed?

Vanilla 3.2..

I was wondering if /vendor folder needed to run the forum? It appears to have a lot of extra stuff: test files, demo folders, etc.. -- those don't seems to be related to running the forum software.

In general, is anything needs to be deleted from the package folder before uploading forum files to the server, or after the installation?


  • charrondevcharrondev Vanilla Staff

    It’s all removed beforehand.

    That directory contains many core framework files. Deleting it will prevent the site from running at all actually.

    Your web server should be configured to block access to those files though. The only PHP entrypoint allowed is index.php which does all of the routing and application startup.

  • >It’s all removed beforehand.

    what do you mean by that?

    if you download the core zip file -- its all there. when is it removed and by what?

  • charrondevcharrondev Vanilla Staff

    When we generate the zip file we remove unnecessary files and generate the vendor directory with composer.

  • ok, I'll leave it as it. thank for reply!

    it's just the zip file does contains a lot of the "test" and "demo" files, and many JavaScript files are not minified... i don't know if it needs to be there for the forum to work (doesn't seems like it. but I'm no expert), it it has to be included because of the licensing, of if it just not cleaned up.

  • charrondevcharrondev Vanilla Staff

    If you see something in the /vendor directory that doesn't look like it belongs there (like some JS or demo stuff), it might just need some cleanup.

    We don't really touch it ourselves at all. They are all "downstream" dependencies of Vanilla, so to speak. Take the /vendor/twig directory as an example:

    • The doc & tests directories likely aren't needed for the site to function.
    • Many of the top level directories such as the various dot files are not required.

    We haven't made it a priority to strip theme out because we don't want to accidentally remove something that may be important. If someone could come up with some collection of rules that are robust enough to consistently never break anything, we'd look into it, but right now it's very low on the priority list.

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