Select multiple categories

Ability to assign multiple categories to a single comment. This way I can have a generic forum rule that appears on all categories. Or for eg. if i have a Movies and Music Categories. I can post a comment like " the FTP server is down blah blah and u won't be able to upload movies or music for now." and have it appear only in the Music and Movies categories. So i don't have to make and follow multiple posts of the same topic. What else can u do with multiple categories. any more ideas.


  • Wouldn't multiple categories be kind of like tags?
  • Tags do whole lot more than just be assigned to a particular topic. for eg, once u select a tag u can find associatted tags that go along with it. We don't want that feature. plus tags are user generated. and can grow A LOT just when u make a post and select the category of where u want ur post. allow me to select more than just one. I'm not adding any more categories just selecting whats already provided. hence multiple categories are different than tags.
  • Perhaps the tagging extension mentioned earlier should also have a 'can assign tags' permission. Then only give that permission to admin and moderators.
  • that tagging thing doesn't seem to be going anywhere Multiple categories should be easy to do, Allow ctrl click of categories and store them in the database. instead of just having cat_1 in the database, you will have cat_1, cat_2
  • any progress on this one?

    I think the request for a heterarchy is the same thing...
  • I've actually been looking for the same sort of feature. I think it's kind of silly to assume that a discussion should be allowed to only be in one category. One of the most constrictive things about conventional BB software is that it follows that strict hierarchical scheme. I think that an add-on that allowed users to select multiple categories (whether by multi-selection boxes or check boxes/radio buttons or any other method) would be a great benefit to making vanilla stand out from the crowd. If you have a sticky that you want to be at the top of EVERY category, you could do it easily. If you had a discussion that really could be in two or three categories, you wouldn't have to worry that someone who doesn't check one of those categories might miss it. So, anyways, I haven't found anything here on the forums so I'm starting work on it myself. I'm not that great of a PHP coder though so it might be a while.
  • I started on something a long time ago to be able to group discussions. It's similar to the tagging addon. I'd be happy to take a look at it and upload it, if it's working. I stopped development on it when the Sub-categories addon was developed.
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