RSS Feed access


I try to use the RSS feed for an external app who grab the content. The issue is that the RSS feed is protected (who is correct) only for the users of my community.

Is it anyway to obtain the RSS feed "unprotected" ?

Thanks for your help and have a nice day



  • Will the app be for your forum members only? Then you should look into accessing it with the API and access tokens.

    If the app should be for everyone and only reveal some parts of your forum, you should think about writing a plugin that provides exactly the data that should be revealed.

  • Thanks for your feedback.

    The community is for members only yes.

    The idea is to bind my account with the feature RSS-to-Push to inform my community at each change.

  • That's a nice idea! But if truepush doesn't support some kind of authentication, you must reveal the rss to the public somehow. I guess it would be possible to create a plugin that can be accessed via "" and which can be used as the RSS source.

    I don't have done anything with RSS and Vanilla yet, therefore I cannot judge how complicated that would be, sorry. But if you already know how to get unprotected forum discussions with RSS, it wouldn't be a big step to write such a plugin, I assume. Do you have any experience with programming languages?

  • Yes yes we have in my team, but we are actually fully booked :-)

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