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NillaBlog text and arrangement issues on 3.2

Hi folks,

We're migrating an existing forum based on Vanilla 2.2 to Vanilla 3.2, and we have installed the NillaBlog plugin, which we were using to display a blog layout on one of the forum categories.

Unfortunately it doesn't display in the way it did on the 2.2 forum.

1) the main body text of each blog entry is displaying in quite a large font and in bold, making it appear slightly larger than the actual blog headings, which looks strange and is hard to read.

2) The blog entries aren't displaying in order of posting, instead they are being ordered by the most recent comment first (as if they were normal forum threads).

I'd be grateful for any suggestions!


  • There are styling questions which could be solved by adding some CSS to your forum. You can add CSS e.g. with the CssEdit plugin or with the pockets plugin. But in order to decide what CSS rules, you need to be way more specific. Most helpful would be a link to your forum and a screenshot where you explain which elements should be changed.

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