For a quick hack in the the direction you are looking for and asuming that you mean the default theme under 3.3 – you could add this to your CSS and you will see a direction where it is going. BUT: a custom theme like the one here is not done with a few lines of CSS usually. :)
.Header .row {height: 100px; flex-wrap: wrap;}
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VanillaSkins | Plugins, Themes, Graphics and Custom Development for Vanilla
Hi @amat
For a quick hack in the the direction you are looking for and asuming that you mean the default theme under 3.3 – you could add this to your CSS and you will see a direction where it is going. BUT: a custom theme like the one here is not done with a few lines of CSS usually. :)
.Header .row {height: 100px; flex-wrap: wrap;}