Single SignOn Username(handle)

Upon connecting a SSO-account with a forum profile "Name is required" is shown but there is no field for name.

Connect can be done but now the SSO-account Username is shown instead of the forum Profile name.

SSO setup only offers a username not a name(handle).

I tried setting EditUserNames true in /conf/config.php - hoping/assuming that would give a name fields on the SSO connect page - but it does not.

(EditUserNames lets profiles edit their names - but I'd rather not have it go that way)

I am looking for setup change to do on forum not the SSO setup - if that exists.

Any hints/suggestions ?

Thanks in advance



  • If you use e.g. OAuth2, new users are asked for filling in a username. What kind of SSO are you using?

  • KasparKaspar ✭✭✭
    edited November 2019

    I am not in control of the SSO (various services are being pulled together). The SSO was moved. I was told it would be OAuth2 but it is JSConnect that is configured in the forum (as it used to be. Apart from config details have been changed due to the move).

    There is no username field when connecting.

  • KasparKaspar ✭✭✭

    Sadly it only worked for the first login.

  • If I had to look at that problem today, I would not try to solve it on the UserModel level. Instead I would look at EntryController->connect() which fires afterConnectData and afterConnectSave

    I have a lack of imagination concerning your problems which makes it impossible for me to come up with a good suggestion, but I guess that you can hook into one of those events and prevent user name changes.

    From looking at /applications/dashboard/views/entry/connect.php I wouldn't be able to tell why the input box for the user name shouldn't be shown. Therefore I assume you see another view. Can you tell me which one?

  • KasparKaspar ✭✭✭


    I am send to /entry/jsconnect

    (not sure I understood you correct)

  • KasparKaspar ✭✭✭

    /entry/connect/jsconnect?client_id=xxxxxxxxxxxx is where I am send.

    I have tested on a clean install and it is the same, there is no field for inputting a user handle name.

    To my undrstanding the SSO is sending/forcing the accont name from the SSO to the forum ??

  • KasparKaspar ✭✭✭

    Sry about the respond time btw.

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