Adding a custom path to Twig

Hello, I need help:

How can I change or add a new path to twig?



  • I changed line `66` of the file library/Vanilla/Web/TwigRenderTrait.php to the correct diretory.

    A did so to solve (to patch) a bug I had, as exposed here

     61   public function renderTwig(string $path, array $data): string {
     62     if (!$this->twig) {
     63       $this->twig = $this->prepareTwig();
     64     }
     65     // Ensure that we don't duplicate our root path in the path view.
     66     $path = str_replace('/home/user/VANILLA-FILES', '', $path);
     67     return $this->twig->render($path, $data);

    If there is better way to do this please tell me :)

  • @kassius If you could raise this as an issue on GitHub, it would get to the attention of the developers.

  • I think you can achieve this by using addPath in the library/Vanilla/Web/TwigRenderer.php file constructor, like this:

    class TwigRenderer extends \Twig\Environment {
       * DI.
       * @param TwigEnhancer $enhancer
       * @param ConfigurationInterface $configuration
      public function __construct(TwigEnhancer $enhancer, ConfigurationInterface $configuration) {
    		$loader = new \Twig\Loader\FilesystemLoader(PATH_ROOT);
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