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Integrating Vanilla 3.3 in to the wordpress directory!

I have tried looking for a smooth step by step as to how this works but I have failed to understand it.

My understanding is that I am able to self host Vanilla Forums and integrate this in to my wordpress website via the Vanilla Forums plugin. I have unzipped the file and also d/l jsconnect and placed in the plugin folder but I do not know where this is meant to go in the wordpress directory on my host server. I tried to send this via FTP but I really don't know where it is meant to reside.

My second issue is that the Vanilla Forums plugin has a setup category and requests you to 'Enter the full url of your Vanilla Forum:' followed by a response stating 'Couldn't find a Vanilla Forum at this url :/' after an invalid entry.

Can someone please explain simply where i am going wrong?


  • The misunderstanding here is that vanilla is no wordpress plugin. You need to have a running installation of Vanilla and only after that you can connect both Vsnilla forum and WordPress blog-abused-as-cms.

    So you have start to install Vanilla before you can integrate it with WordPress

  • When you are able to get Vanilla installed and running then look here for some jsConnect help


  • Hi, thank you both for your replies.

    I have decided to locally host Vanilla Forums via MAMP.

    I have placed the unzipped vanilla folder in the root folder 'htdocs' and created a new MySQL database titled as vanilla.

    The youtube tutorials seem to show that browsing localhost/vanilla generates a user login page but in my case I am presented with an error:

    Fatal Error in LocalesApiController.{closure}();

    Class 'Locale' not found

    The error occurred on or near: C:\MAMP\htdocs\vanilla\applications\dashboard\controllers\api\LocalesApiController.php

    100:         $populate = function (array &$row, array $locales) {
    101:             $displayNames = [];
    102:             foreach ($locales as $locale) {
    103:                 $displayName = \Locale::getDisplayLanguage($row["localeKey"], $locale);
    105:                 // Standardize capitalization
    106:                 $displayName = mb_convert_case($displayName, MB_CASE_TITLE);


    [C:\MAMP\htdocs\vanilla\applications\dashboard\controllers\api\LocalesApiController.php:117] LocalesApiController->{closure}();
    [C:\MAMP\htdocs\vanilla\applications\dashboard\controllers\api\LocalesApiController.php:45] LocalesApiController->expandDisplayNames();
    [C:\MAMP\htdocs\vanilla\library\Vanilla\Models\LocalePreloadProvider.php:36] LocalesApiController->index();
    [C:\MAMP\htdocs\vanilla\library\Vanilla\Web\JsInterpop\ReduxActionPreloadTrait.php:51] Vanilla\Models\LocalePreloadProvider->createActions();
    [C:\MAMP\htdocs\vanilla\library\core\class.controller.php:1967] Gdn_Controller->getReduxActionsAsJsVariable();
    [C:\MAMP\htdocs\vanilla\library\core\class.controller.php:1471] Gdn_Controller->renderMaster();
    [C:\MAMP\htdocs\vanilla\library\core\class.pluggable.php:217] Gdn_Controller->xRender();
    [C:\MAMP\htdocs\vanilla\applications\dashboard\controllers\class.setupcontroller.php:155] Gdn_Pluggable->__call();
    [C:\MAMP\htdocs\vanilla\library\core\class.dispatcher.php:872] SetupController->index();
    [C:\MAMP\htdocs\vanilla\library\core\class.dispatcher.php:289] Gdn_Dispatcher->dispatchController();
    [C:\MAMP\htdocs\vanilla\index.php:29] Gdn_Dispatcher->dispatch();

    Can anybody shed some light on rectifying this problem please?

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